We arrived at the Three Kings at dawn, and by 8am the first divers were getting in the water. We’re between dives at the moment so I’ve grabbed you some of the divers’ first impressions. Everyone agrees the water here is amazingly clear (the islands here are basically bare rocks so there is no dirt to run off into the water), the Sargassum seaweed forest is thick and luxuriant, and there are fish everywhere.

Above is a shot Ian took on a previous trip to the Three Kings but we’ll have some new shots for you shortly.

Everyone is keen to get back in the water for the second dive in about half an hour but for now you can hear Tom, Kareen, Severine (pictured) and Nik talking about the first dive in the audio clip below:

Wendy, our seaweed guru, isn’t diving but her right hand woman Roberta brought back a real treasure trove of seaweeds. In this video Wendy explains what some of them are and why she’s so excited.

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2 Responses to “Dive report for the Three Kings – we’re here and it’s crystal clear!”

  1. Jo M

    Hello fish team! So nice to read that you’ve made it to the Three Kings Islands in very fine conditions (with calm seas and birthday cakes). I am hoping the high visibility will treat us all on some amazing pictures. (about how much visibility are we actually talking here?). I will be checking the image gallery regulary ;-) Keep up the good work. Ciao!

    • Melanie Cooper

      Hi Jo our scientists have been working non stop between diving and processing what they’re finding but they’ve sent back an answer about visibility: our underwater visibility has varied from about 15 metres to about 25 metres. Sometimes when you are at the surface you can look down and see the divers working on the bottom.


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