As we steam back to Tauranga (land is now in sight) here are some Three Kings memories from Malcolm.
A crimson cleaner fish whose job in life is to pick parasites off other fish
A crimson cleaner fish whose job in life is to pick parasites off other fish
A dwarf scorpionfish doing a very good job of blending in
A dwarf scorpionfish doing a very good job of blending in
A couple of half banded perch, one in its fabulous multi-colour world and a closer look …
Half banded perch
Half banded perch
Half banded perch - ready for my close up
Half banded perch – ready for my close up
And because fish aren’t everything (despite what Tom thinks!), and spineless wonders really rule …
Some kina, or sea urchins, making inroads into the seaweed
Some kina, or sea urchins, making inroads into the seaweed
An iridescent flashing sea gooseberry
An iridescent flashing sea gooseberry
So you can see why it’s so hard to leave behind but we’re looking forward to seeing our family and friends and solving the outstanding mysteries that surround some of our discoveries.
Farewell Three Kings
Farewell Three Kings
It's been great!
It’s been great!
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3 Responses to “Approaching dry land but dreaming of Three Kings”

  1. Darryl Torckler

    Great shots, especially like the Half banded perch images.

  2. margaret sellens

    “There is so much in Heaven and Earth” etc but Three Kings photos prove such beautiful variety under water we have yet to learn about.
    Many thanks to team.

  3. wade doak

    Wonderful exped. have followed with delight. Sharing it on my website and Facebook page. Lot to think about … Wade


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