![Goatfish: love the goaty barbels under their chin](https://threekings.aucklandmuseum.com/assets/Goat-fish-Richard-Robinson.jpg)
Triplefins come in many flavours – they’re hard to photograph because of their size but here’s a couple of goodies …
![Yaldwyn's triplefin](https://threekings.aucklandmuseum.com/assets/Yaldwyns-triplefin-Richard-Robinson.jpg)
![Yellow black triplefin](https://threekings.aucklandmuseum.com/assets/yellow-black-triplefin-Richard-Robinson.jpg)
![And tarakihi - they're well known in fish and chip shops but so much better to see them alive in their natural environment](https://threekings.aucklandmuseum.com/assets/Tarakihi-Richard-Robinson.jpg)
![This species of Landburgia has only been collected twice](https://threekings.aucklandmuseum.com/assets/Landsburgia-ilicifolia-Richard-Robinson.jpg)
And this seaweed has an interesting story – this species of Landburgia has only been collected twice, both times by Malcolm, in quite deep water, which is where Richie photographed this speciment. But it turns out there’s a mystery Landburgia which bears some similarity to this, but isn’t quite the same, that we saw a lot of today. Something for Wendy and Roberta to solve when they get back from the expedition!
One Response to “A gallery of fish – a farewell gift from the Kings”
Just to say thank you for something that interested my curiosity.And for the wonderful Photographs.Which I appreciated because I am a photographer too but am unable to go under water.
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